Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


determined beforehand) with a letter from himself. Coppys of all which goe inclosed marked No.2.

      While these matters past, I made choice of the King’s Council whose names, and qualifications I here transmit marked No.3 & and after duly quallifying ourselves according to law, by takeing and subscribeing the Oaths required, & my Commission read, I acquainted them with what passed in relation to the french Inhabit'ts of this river, and that they expected my reply to their Paper, upon which it was agreed that a letter be wrote to order them to send six Deputies to represent the whole, with whom I would confer, which letter was accordingly wrote, a Copy whereof is inclosed marked No 4. I also acquainted the Council that I intended the next day to send some of the Proclamations to the chief settlements at Minas & Chignecto with a letter to each which had their approbation, the Copys thereof are likewise enclosed No 5.

      I had at this time Information that the Priest of the river absented himself. The same night he sent me his letter, but supposeing him not far off, I wrote to him very civilly as per copy marked No 6. I am told since he is gone to Minas to consult with his brethren there (of mischief no doubt) as may be gathered from his letter. *   *   *   *

      Tho' I had reason to expect nothing less from this procedure than a thankful complyance, with what was demanded for their own good, instead thereof they took the occasion of shewing their Contempt of his Majesties Goverment, by refusing to alter their first choice, and sent me their Letter to that purpose as pr Copy marked No 8 — however I granted their request to send two persons to Cape Breton for advice in the measures they should take, being glad to make use of that opp'o of writeing to the Governor on that head, a Copy of which letter goes enclosed marked No 9.

      Dureing these Transactions they have been on all sides practiseing with the Indians who are intirely in their Interest, to get them to play their part, and to assert their native right to this country, in opposition to that of his Majesty, for which end, I am told they are assembling. The Chief of this River Indians, who are but few and inconsiderable, among the rest has been with me accompanyed with half a score of others, and desir'd me to resolve him, if the french were to leave this Country, whether the Two Crowns were in alliance, whether I intended to debar them of their religion or disturb them in their traffick; to all which Queryes I answer'd to

    * See page 23.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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