Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      "I likewise sent for Claud Brossart, Charles Le Blanc, Baptiste Galerue, Jacque Forret, and Joseph Herbert, who all came excepting Forret, who is really ill having fallen from a Barn. I also gave them the same Orders before the Officers; which they very insolently disputed, desiring me to produce my Authority for so doing by shewing them your orders to me, and were so impudent I was obliged to push them out of my Room.

      "Yesterday I found Daudin’s sickness was nothing but a Sham as he was able to say Mass. I also learned that the four others in place of getting ready to go to Halifax were employed in drawing Petitions and holding seditious Assemblies, so sent for them and put them Prisoners, and afterwards brought Daudin in and confined him to the Fort. Captain Cox, Lieut. Mercer and Ensign Peach with a strong Party escorts them down, the two last being present at the Conference I had with the Priest, all Account of which I wrote you by Doctor Steele. Inclosed is a Copy of my last Orders given to the Inhabitants, but I have not as yet heard they are disposed to obey them.

      "Captain Cox will inform you of any thing omitted here. I am with the greatest Respect


Your most obedt. humble Servt.      

(Signed) A. MURRAY."      

      Fort Edward 30th Sept. 1754.

      Ordered that Mr. Daudin he taken into the Custody of the Sheriff, that the four Frenchmen be confined, and that the Council meet again at five o'clock in the Evening, in order to Examine into the Conduct of the Priest Daudin and the French Inhabitants.

      At five o'clock in the Evening the Council reassembled and began with the Examination of the French Inhabitants.


      At a Council holden at tho Governor's House in Halifax on Thursday the 3rd Oct., 1754.


Chas. Lawrence, Esq., President.

      Benjn. Green, Councilor

      Jno. Collier, Councilor

      Willm. Cotterell, Councilor

      Robt.Monckton, Councilor

      Jno. Rous, Councilor

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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