Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


was brought this day from thence by a Party commanded by Capt. Cox, also a Remonstrance signed by several of the French Inhabitants.

      SIR, —

      I wrote to Capt. Cotterell by last Courier to acquaint You, that I imagined Daudin was very busy with the Inhabitants: besides the Informations I had received of his being so, another reason which induced me to believe it, was, the Inhabitants brought in their Wood fast before his Arrival, and not one Stick since.

      This morning the inclosed Paper, Signed by upwards of Eighty was brought me and delivered by Jean Herbert Deputy of Trahan, &c., Bruneau Trahan Deputy for the River St. Croix, Jean Landry for the Deputy of Landry Villages, and Jacques Le Blanc for the Deputy of Forret and Rivet, this last being Courier. It seemed to me of so extraordinary nature and of such Importance, that I thought the sooner You was acquainted with the same the better, and at the same time did not think proper to trust an Extraordinary Courier with it, therefore have sent Capt. Cox, who was present when I dismissed the Deputies, and likewise can inform You of the disposition of the Inhabitants and behaviour of the Priest from whom I am now convinced all this comes, than I can write you.

      Inclosed is a Copy of my last Orders in consequence of yours upon the Petition from the Forrets and Rivets, desiring to be excused from bringing Fuel for the Garrison.

      Capt. Cox can also inform You of their Behaviour during the Repairs of the Fort and answer you many Questions, which is impossible for me to think of at present and may occur to You.

      I have sent you some Letters directed to Daudin which on this occasion I thought best to let you have before he received them.

I am with great Respect and Esteem,      


Your most obedient humble servant,      

(Signed) A. MURRAY.      

      Fort Edward, 22nd Sept., 1754.

      The Council having taken the same under Consideration were of opinion and did Advise that the Commanding Officer

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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