Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      Sexto: They most earnestly request, that the replies or decisions concerning the above articles be given to them between St. Michael and All Saints, that is to say in the course of the month of October next.

      I do not doubt, Sir, that you and the counsel will find the proposals of these Savages susceptible of diminution; but if you consider the actual state of a whole nation, compelled for a long time to change too frequently their suitable places of abode, and knowing no longer where to make choice of places in which to live with any sort of stability, besides driven to extremities by a too pressing misery, which they foresee will be still further augmented, you will find in them nothing but what is just. The lands which they leave you are immense in proportion; whereas these people, living only by hunting and fishing, would still require a much larger extent of territory.

      It was not for me Sir, to induce any of their chiefs to betake themselves to Halifax in order there to propose the above articles. Their course will depend upon the reply that shall be made there; and if there is any likelihood that what they propose will be accepted I you Sir, and the council can send here some one with whom we can treat, and arrange at least the preliminary conditions.

      They beg me to add Sir, that if their proposals are accepted, which they do not doubt, the treaty which will be made in consequence, shall be communicated to their allies, by whom they will have it signed and approved, as well as by them and their missionaries in order to invest it with every necessary formality, and to render it more authentic, so that it may be the more solid and durable.

      As to myself, Sir, I shall omit nothing on my part to have this very important business crowned with the desired success. I shall make it my especial duty to contribute to it.

I have the honor to be      

with the most perfect consideration      

your very humble and obedient Servant,      

(Signed) P. LELOUTRE,      

ptre. g. v.      

      Beausejour, August 27th, 1754.

To Mr. Lawrence, Commander in chief at Halifax.

      Which being read and considered, the Contents appeared too insolent and absurd to be answered through the Author

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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