Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


and for whom you yourselves will have more regard. The commanders will name from time to time persons to be near them, who shall be paid for their services. And as we are not ignorant of the bad consequences of those frequent assemblies, where, often the most honest people are led astray by some seditious persons, we positively forbid, for the future, all assemblies of the inhabitants, except for some important business, when they shall have the permission of the commander and when he or some one for him shall be present. I recommend you to remain quietly in your settlements, occupied about your own affairs, until we shall see the present disturbances settled."

      I know that the troops put you to some inconvenience at present, as your custom is to leave the houses where they are. It is a matter of necessity which you must endure for some time. That will pass away and you will find it to your advantage. In the meantime you can rely upon our word, that as soon as tranquillity is reestablished in the province, we shall give passports to all those who shall ask for them. We have already given you to understand, that no government permits those who withdraw from it to carry with them their effects."

      Therefore to give such permission would be directly contrary to the declaration of his Majesty published here on our arrival.

      You ask for Mr. Girard to assist Mr. Cheuvreuil in the department of Mines. As it is impossible for a priest to serve the whole department, and as it is our wish that you should have the full enjoyment of your religion, and as there is no probability that one will be allowed to come from the French colonies at present, we consent to allow Mr. Girard to officiate among you. He has given us his word of honour not to leave the province without our permission."



      At a Council held at the Governor's on Sunday, the 27 May 1750,"


His Excellency the Governor
John HorsemanJohn Salusbury
John GorhamHugh Davidson
Benj. GreenWm. Steele

      His Excellency laid before the Council A Letter from Major

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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