Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


& the Live Stock they were bringing hither which is no small matter of surprize considering yor. force & numbers; how can you expect any assistance or supply of yor. wants from hence when you so shamefully permit such things to be committed amongst you? Take care you be not ye means of Depriving yor. selves of all manner of succour from hence, & Draw Inevitable Ruin upon yor. selves: for your pretended Cloak of fear will not, you may assure yorselves, hold you always Inexcusable; bnt rather in such Cases as this witness against you, for yor. passive Obedience to the Enemy will appear an actual Disrespect to His Britannick Majesty's Governmt. to which you have Sworn Allegiance.
      You all know I have frequently forewarn'd you of the Evil yor. Disobedience may Draw upon you & yor. families, which, if you would avoid, remember to do your Duty as faithfull Subjects, & Despise holding any Correspondence with Mr. Delutre & ye Indians who have Declared themselves Enemys to the Crown & Subjects of Great Britain the Penalty of so doing has been frequently told you; I must also acquaint you that I am inform'd there are some among you, that in order to come hither with any manner of necessarys, which we here want, that you apply for yor. so doing to Priest Deluter for his permission as if he was the Governour & Protector of this Province; Such Practices being expressly contrary to His Majesty's Declaration of Waf against ye French King & His Subjects, at your perils practise any such method, or pay him any such Respect: for we here want nothing that may be obtain'd through any such base & Disrespectfull means; These things I again Recommend to yor. Consideration & strictly order & command you to Regulate yourselves accordingly; & I have for yor. further Information of what regards the Public affairs in yor. part, herein sent you Inclos'd an Ordr. for Paul Beaujeau to deliver to Petr. Allain one of ye Present Deputys all the Publick Papers, Orders & Letters of the Government to be kept in his the said Allain’s Possession for yor. Perusal; Remember therefore ye station you hear in this Governmt. & acquit yourselves like Honest men & fom time to time advise me of what Passeth amongst you, & in so doing you may be assur’d you will in ye End serve yourselves.  
I am      
Your Friend      

To ye Deputy's of Menis.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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