Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      The first, that after the taking of this place, it was judged that considering the nature of the Inhabitants about us and the compass of the Fort, no less than five hundred men were requisite to defend it, which number was accordingly left in Garrison. As the plan agreed to by the Board of Ordnance for rebuilding the Fort is to contain the same space of ground, and as the five Companies here consist by Establishment of no more than Thirty one private men when complete, the number will fall much short of what is necessary for the defence of the Works in time of War.

      The Second thing I beg leave to remark is that the town which consists of two Streets, the one extending along the river side and the other along the neck of land the extremities whereof are at a quarter of a miles distance from the Fort, has no defence against a surprize from the Indians. The materials tor the new building and the Artificers are lodged there, as well as several families belonging to the Garrison who for want of conveniency in the Fort, are obliged also to quarter there.

      Third, As I was sensible of the many difficulties we should here labour under in case of a rupture with France, I writ about two years ago the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay for assistance in such a case, and tho' what may be expected from them may not be too much relied on, yet it has no little influence in keeping at least our inhabitants in some awe. *   *   *   *

I am &c      


      No address.


Govr. Mascarene to Alexander Bourg, Notary.

(Letter Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, 27 July 1744.      

SIR, —

      Being Informed That you not only refused to the Inhabitants of the River Canard a Copy of the Publick Orders of Goverment Prohibiting the Exportation of Cattle &c To Lewisbourg or any other places for the Supply of the Enemys of our master His Britanick Majesty but also as Notary Refused assisting Those of the Grand Prie and Pisiquid in There Association for the preventing all such Abuses By Writeing their sd. commendable agreements for Strictly Puting The orders of Goverment in Execution, Which giving me an un-

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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