Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


means of Livelyhood one who not only has had the Protection of a Subject But is actually in a Publick Employ has occasioned the Inclos'd Proclamation now Sent to you which you are to read Publickly Before the Inhabitants and then to Affix it in the usuall manner that none may pretend Cause of Ignorance. The Missionaries seem not to think it Sufficient that the People here who are his Majesty's Subjects Enjoy the free Exercise of their Religion without they themselves assume a Power which the Laws of Great Brittain will not allow and of consequence is Excluded by the Article of Peace Whereby your Religion is Secured to you. If you Know your own Interest and are willing to Continue in that ease & Liberty which you have Enjoyed under his Majesty's Government; you will avoid all Occasions that may give Cause of Offence thereto and those Missionarie's which from the Indulgence of the Goverment have Resorted and Resided amongst you & still do so will certainly do the same and keep within the Bounds prescribed by the Laws of Great Brittain and pay that Duty they owe to the Goverment under whose Protection they Live whilst they are in his Majesty's Dominions unless they chuse to follow the motives of avarice and ambition of Ruleing rather than the Good of the People they pretend out of a charitable duty, to come to assist in the exercise of their Religion. As Soon as any of these Missionaries misbehave they may recon themselves out of this Goverment's Protection and when any of them shall thus misbehave shall be Supported and Maintained contrary to the orders from hence those of his Majesty's Subjects who Shall Thus Support and maintain them may Expect to be Called to a Severe Account for it. Let the Inhabitants know the contents of this Letter and put it into the possession of your Successors the Deputys that it may serve as a Rule for Your Conduct in time to Come, I am


Your Good friend & humble servt      


Annapolis Royal

      4th July 1740

To the Deputys of the french Inhabitants

      Throughout the Province.

W. SHIRREFF, Secry.      

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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