Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768



SIR, ——

      I was Much Supprised this Morning at the Sight of Lievt Wilson of your Battallion who tels me he was Sent by Capt Cobb with Seventeen men with a Letter to you. if it was the Letter you Let Me See Concerning the Provissions, a Corporal & Six men would have been Sufficiant Incloased I Send you an account of the Provissions Sent for the Detachment So that by that account they ought to have a Good Deal of Porke remaining. and Capt Cobbs Complaint without Foundation. I Should be Glad that for the Future The officers would be More Punctual in their Duty and Not So ready to Make Complaints without reason. Lievt Wilson Gave me the Same answer as formerly Concerning his acct wch will I am afraid oblige me to Bring him to a General Court Martial. I must beg Sir that you will Immediatly upon the receipts of this Send of Lieut Wilson & his party for the Bay of Verte with the Inclosed for Capt. Cobb.

I am Sir yr obediant St      


To Lieut Colo Winslow or officer

      Commandg the First Battallion. }


Pounds.Gals. Pts.Pounds.PoundsGalls.

The quantity ordered was 3
     weaks for 180 Men2160192     4192     83780135
The Quantity Sent2131194     4159     03723120

Sent Shorte of the Proper
     Quantity29 . . .    . . . 33     857015

CAMP BEASEJOUR, JULY 16TH, 1755.      

SIR, ——

      Yours of the 13th I have Received by Capt Wilson, and by it understood you were Issuing French Porke in Lieu of English and as Such represented it to Colo Monckton, but upon Enquiery Finde you have More English Porke then Can be Expended by a Fort-

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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