Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Give Me Leave to Press one Peice of Service upon you and to tel you that you Cant oblige me more than by being industrious in it and Getting Such of your officers as have Interest with the Men to be active in it. Likewise, this is to desier that you would Inlist me 100 men who Must be Stout handsom Fellows, as I Design them to purge My Regiment (which is now Compleated) of Some Low & otherwise bad Men when I return from Niagara, as the Regiment is Compleat and our fund for recruiting Very Low. we Cant afford to Go Higher than Three pounds bounty for Such as Inlist at Large and 50/ for those who Inlist for Seven years, under Less terms then which we Shant Now take any. you are So well acquainted with the Sorte of Men we want that I Need Say Nothing to you about their age and Size. I Should not Chuse to have them Enter into pay or Joyne the Regiment before the 25th of December.
      You will be so kinde as to desier in My Name the assistance of Colo Preble and the other officers of the Corps in this affair and Let them Know how Much they will oblige me in it. I am with Great Truth & Esteem your Most Faithfull Humble. Servant,  

Station of Men 5 foot 8 Inches.
age between 18 & 30 year. I am
to Set out for Nigara tomorrow
W. SHIRLEY.      
      On his Majtys Service To Leivt
Colo John Winslow of Majr General
Shirley Provincial Regiment at
Chignecto. }

      A return of the Several Companys in the First Battallion of Govr Shirley's Regiment under the Command of Colo Winslow of what Cartheridge wanted viz  
Govenours240Lievt Colo. Winslow184
Majr Preble160Major Goldthwaits222
Capt Adams332Capt Hobbs37
Capt Cpbb400Capt Osgood174
Capt Lamson353Capt Speakman200

Capt StertevantsTotal 2302

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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