Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      your Honr. will Pardon this Freedom which is Drawn from Me by his Excellency our Colo being from his Regiment on his Majestys Service to the Westward and no one but my Self Left to Speak for the Regiment. am with the Greatest regards your Honrs Most obediant & Most Humble Servt.

To the Honble Henry Fox Secretary
a War &c at the War office Westminister. }




      I am Favored with yours of the 19th of June past & am pleased to the Highest Degree that your Exspectation of ye New Englanders in Juncktion with the regulars have Succeeded and that an End Seams to be put to the French Cascanade & their Interest Dying in this Province as their Distroying the Forte at the Enterance of the River St Johns Seams Plainly to Show.

      But how Far the Low and Mean Submition Made by ye French to Say No worse Fickel Ihabitants Commonly Cald the Nutrals or their Bretheren the Indians are to be Trusted. I Submit in My opinion Little Stres is to be Laid on their Ever being Good.

      I have been Buissed in writing at this Place yesterday and to day & have not Seen Colo Monckton Since Our News of burning the Garrison of St Johns am a Stranger to our future opperations. I would Desier one Favor for my Countrey men and that is that they may not be Kept in a State of Indolence for by Long Experence I find that to be the Most Hurtfull to them of anything I Can Immagine. as to My not having a Personal acquaintance with your Honr it is my Great Misfortune but Flater my Self this is not all ways to be the Case, but that Some Day will be so auspitious as to Give me the Honr. of Waiting on you.

      I Hartily Congratulate your Honr on the Success that has attented his Majestys Arms in this Province Committed to your Care and of the Harmony Subsisting in the Diferent Cores which makes things always Easey and Shall Endeavor So to behave as

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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