Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768



      As I have the Honr to be Lievt Colo to Govr Sherleys Regiment raisd in New England for removing the Incroachments Made by the French Kings Subjects in this his Majestys Province & Commandant of sd Regiment which is Divided in Two Battallions. The First under my Command the Second under Lievt Colo Scott. & Contains 2000 Men officers Included raisd & Embarqued at Boston between the 13th of Febuary & 13th of april waited for arms & War like Stores til the 22d of May arived at Forte Lawrance the 2d of June reduced Beausejour Forte the 16th Forte Gaspereau Ddd up the 18th. the Fortes at the Entrance of the St Johns River on the approach of his Majestys Ships the Success. Mairmaid, Sirene, and the Veter Sloop of War, Set on Fire and Deserted by the French. as these affairs with all these Circumstances are Doubtless Communicated to yr Honr by Colo Monckton our Commander in Chief, Shant Take up your Honrs time.  
      And only Congratulate your Honr on the Success of his Majesty's Arms in this Province which Seams to be Intierly Given up by the French and the Indians by them Deserted in the Transaction of these affairs. I apprehend the Americans have had their Equal Share of Duty with the regulars and all Sides Seams to be Aiming at doing their Best for the Service. and the acquisition of the Quiate Possession of Nova Scotia to his Majestys Seams to be Compleated and that with the Loss of three Men only Kild & Divers wounded.  
      Flater my Self that the Chearfull and ready Disposition Shown by the New England men in this and Every other Ocation that offers wherein they have had oppertunity to Distinguish their zeal in Distroying the Enemys of Briton will meet with ye Royal approbation and that Even my Endeavors for his Majestys Service May obtain your Smiles. and this I have to Say that I am the oldest officer in the Kings pay & the only remaining Captain of the late Cartherginia Expedition in New England and for Many years have been in the Service. Some times of ye Crown and Sometimes of the Province.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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