Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


      Would ad one thing further that the Command in the Millatary and Civil way in New England has often been in our Family from 1620 the year of the Countreys being first Settled and Flater my Self No Man Can raise in it a Better Regiment or Sooner then it is in my Power to do and if a war Should hapen and Forces wanted & I Might be So Happy as to obtain your Lordships Smile and So Luckey as to be at the Head of a Regiment. Should be in the Scituation that would Crown all my Desiers. . . . . Agent Ballard & Mr Kilbey are both acquainted with my Character and Family.

Pardon my Lord the Trouble I have Given your Lordship in these Matters and be assured that I am with the Greatest regards your Lordships Most Dutiful Most ohediant & Most Humble Servt.


To the Right Honble Earle of Hallifax.



JUNE 27TH 1755.      


      I at Annapolis Royal Reced yours of the 4th of March past & am well Pleasd that My Poor Services Meet with your approbation & Not Disliked by others and that the zeal & activity of New England is So Pleasing to our Mother Countrey and that your Exspectation that other Schemes were Projecting proves to be a Fact.

      I Shall therefore without Ceremony Show you the Share I have had and now have in the opperation Carrying on in this part of the world, and would Say that the whole Province of the Massachusetts [Bay] were alarmed at the Preperations Making by the French around, and Determined at all Events to Maintain their Ground, and that Governor Lawrance being at their Progres in his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia, had Projected a Plan for puting an End Not only to Future Incroachment but removing them from those already made, which I was acquainted with by Govr Shirley and Promist the Command in ye Execution and Ingaged in the undertaking and to raise Two Thousand Men in New England in the pay and at the Exspence of the Goverment of Nova Scotia, but the Scheme being afterwards altered as we were to Joyne the regulars, I

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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