Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


on this his Majestys Provinces of Nova Scotia and on the 13th Received Beating orders for that Purpose and in Two months time Compleated 2000 Men, officers Included and Embarqued them on Board the Transportes, but waited til the 22d of May for Arms & war Like Stores, on the 26th Arived at Annapolis Royal, and on the first of June at Chignecto on the Next Day Landed on the 12th Brooke the Ground before Forte Beausejour. on the 16th the Forte Surrenderd. on the 18th I was ordered to Take Possession of Forte Gaspereau Scituate on the Bay of Vert which was Immediatly put in Execution.
      But as your Lordship without Doubt has these things from Colo Moncton, Commander in Chief of this Expedition Shall Not Trouble your Lordship with the Detail and only Meddle with my Countrymen. the New England Troops who are Immediately under my Care and Devided in Two Battallions (the First under my Command . the Second under Lievt Colo Scott) who I am Persuaded will have the Character of behaving well on all accounts & on the Duty of Fatigue Excell.  
      Hartily Congratulate your Lordship on the Success of his Majestys Arms here, and Question Not but that this Province to its Ancient Bounds will be Intierly reduced to his obediance by ye Fall. The Nation have a Valuable Fur Trade &c and the Face of Everything altered for the Better.  
      Forgive me my Lord in that I Further Presum to acquaint your Lordship of things Personally relating to my Self and of my Services Vizt that in 1740 I Raisd a Company for the Carthergenia Expedition at my own Exspence and Served with them til ye Regiment was reduced & am the only Surviving Capt of the Nine from New England and also Served throh the whole of the French war as a Capt and behaved in Such a Maner as to Obtain the Favor of My Superiors. At the End of the war Exchanged into half pay and had the Hour to waite on your Lordshipe Divers times. before I Left England and that the Last year I was at the Head of 800 Troops & 100 artificers & Labourers up the River Kennebeck, built Two Fortes on the River the uppermost of which Erected near Teconnet Falls by Govr Shirleys order has the Honr to Bare your Lordships Name. and that the 2000 in the Present Expedition were Raisd by me and to be under my Command, if my Poor Services Should Meet with your Lordships approbation it would Give me the Greatest Satisfaction.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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