Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


NOVA SCOTIA JUNE 16TH 1755.      

      I Reced yours of the 21st of January at Annapolis Royal and before my Setting out to the other world which I Cant Quiately doe til his Majesty is in Peasable Possession of Canada and the whole Continent of North America and the Nation thereby raisd to a Higher Pitch of Glory and wealth then as yet it Ever obtaind too. I am now at the Head of 2000 Men, officers Included as Lieut Colo to Govr Shirley, Capt. Scott Second Lieut Colo & Commands the Second Battallion and all things goes on well. have Given your Son a Perticular account which he will Communicate. am Sorrey you Meet with Such Great Difficulty in Clearing the Regiments but hope you will Soon Get over it in Some Shape or other. Am Supprised to think how it Came into Practice for Govrs to Receive the Fire and Candle Money for the absent officers Espeacally when the Commanders on the Spot where not half paid for what they Exspended for that article. The 4d is actually Due from the Board of Trade and if Promises are binding and that from the Treasury is a Clear Pointe if he be at the Trouble to look into it for the money is actually there, thoh when I assisted in the Settlement of accounts; I was not acquainted that there was No Provission in Store when Mr. Woodford Took the Contract. yet Twice the Money was Left as would refund woodfords Demand & the rest a Saving to the Nation.  
      Please God we Succeed in our Expedition I am Determind for England at the End of our Campain.  
      I am obliged to you for the payment made Mr Lane. Have sent you Certificates for my half pay to Last Christmas and Desier a Further payment to him. We are about Embarking for St. Johns River which streightens me in time thoh I must need Say None is more agreeably Spent then when reading a Line from or writing to So Good So Kinde & So old a Frind as Mr Gould. Complements to all Frinds. Please to accept of the Best respects of your Most obliged and Most Humble Servt.  

To King Gould Esqr Privy Garden Westminster.
      P.S. I want a Regiment.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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