Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


a way to do well. the Enemy by the Best Intelligence Lost about 25 French and Two Indians. 17th the New England Troops March of to our former Camp Leaving Majr Frye and 150 Men to Fill up the Trenches and Detached 100 Fresh men to assist him who Compleated that Buisnes and in the Evening returnd to our Camp all Well. 18th Received orders from Colo Monckton to March with 500 Men to take Possession of Forte Gaspareau Scituate on the Bay of Vert who had Cappitulated on the Same terms as the Forte Beausejour. March of at Eleven with Majr Frye, Capts Adams, Osgood, Perry & Gilbert, Mr. Goddard Enginere Doctr Whitworth, and a Number of Subs, arived at the Fort about Sun Sett. Distance from our Camp Fifteen Miles Immediatly took Possession and ye French March out. 19th Examined the Forte found it 180 foot Square four Block Houses on Each Corner badly built and in Miserable order Eight Gannon & Two Swivels the buildings within Very Bad, as well as the water, with out Sum Wine in the Garrison. in Store 7 Barrels Powder, a Large Quantity of Cannon Shot, No bread nor butter, 230 Barrels of Porke, 8 Hhds of Molasses, &c.

      20, 21th & 22d Spent in reconoitering the Country found the Soile Barron & but Little Fish in the Bay.

      At Bay of Vert is a Village of about 25 Houses a Chaple & Priests House well Finished and the Inhabitants of this Village in better Forme and more after the English maner then any I have Seen in this Province and have an Open Communication with the Island of St. Johns and the Inhabitants of Cape Breton, whome they Furnish with Lumber Indian Goods &c, and from whome they receive all the Convenienceys of Life in return. Capts Speakman & Jones arived with 200 Men to relive me by order, 23rd Marcht with My party at Four in the Morning, had a rainey Day, arived at the Camp about Twelve. three men Faild with whome I Left a Detachment of Thirty Men that Came up Towards Night. Nothing Exstrodenary has hapened Since. we are Clearing the Forte by the French People preparing to repair it and this Day are preparing to repair it. beginning to take in Provissions our Cannon &c for St. Johns, all things Go on well. Colo Preble wounded in the Hip at the Trenches. Lievt Vaughan is almost Gone with a Consumption. Lievt Morrow Not well. the Camp. in General Very Healthy.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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