Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


who Brought the 13 Inch Mortar. rained Excessive hard in the Evening Extreamly Dark. Lost our way in return to the Camp where we did Not arive till after Two in the Morning. the Enemy Fired this Day 140 Cannon at us besides Bombs but not one Man Hurt. 15th being a wett Day the Party in the Trenches Could not worke. the Enemy Fired as Briskley as the Day Before one Bombe, Fell into the Trenches among our People but hurt No Person Nither did their Fire which was Supprising. the Trenches relived about Sun Sett by Colo Scott, Capt Spittle & Capt Adams who advanced the Trenches in the Evening.
      on the 16th the Enemy began their Fire Earley which was returnd by our Eight & Thirteen Inch Mortars at about Eight one of our Large Shells Fell upon a Casment they Immagined Secure & Kild Mr Hay one of our officers taken a Fue Days before, and four French officers. our Bombs before Killing them Several Men and Did Vast Damage. about Nine Came a Flagg of Truce From the Forte with Terms on which a Council of War was Calld Consisting of Lievt Colo Monckton & Winslow, Capts Broome, Huzey, Hale, Majors Frye, Goldthwait & Bourn & Mr Bruce the Enginere who rejected their Terms, & Proposed others vizt First that the Enemy March out with their Smal Arms, Drums beating and Honrs of War and Transported at the Cost of the King of Great Briton to Lewisburgh & Not to Bare Arms for Six months. 2d The Inhabitants to be Left in the Same Scituation as they were when we arived and Not Punished for what they had Done Since our arival in the Countrey and they allowed til Two a Clock to Consider in which Term they Came to a Determination to Surrender allowed til Seven to March out and Colo Scott and the Party in Trenches ordered to take Possession which was done and in the Evening about Sun Setting Colo Monckton with the regulars My Self &c Marcht with 300 of the New England Troops into the Forte; the regulars and half the New Englanders Lodged in the Garrison, I with the Other Americans without on the Ground, thus having, Got into the Forte I would Observe that from our first Marching from Forte Lawrance to Fort Beausejour we were Continual Molested & Harrasd in our Camp and On our March by the French & Indians, and Continually Firing from Smal parties in all which we routed our Enemy & throh Gods Goodness, had but three Men Killed and None wounded but what are in  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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