Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


cordingly Executed. Mr. Hay an officer of Hopsons was Taken this Day by a Party of French and Indians and the Party with Me took a French Soldier, in the Evening of the Same Day Monseuir Burlong arived with a Flag of Truce and Informd us Mr. Hay was well.

      The 9th. Employd our Men and Teams in Getting our Cannon up to the Main road on the right of My Camp &c. the Tenth Finishd the Duty of the Day before begun. the 11th Capt. Adams Detachd Early with 200 Men to reconoiter the Country & Make Discovery who returned with Plunder. I was then Detached with Colo Preble and 400 Men to Survey and Measure a New road to be [sic] Forte which was Done by Capt. Jones as a Surveyor, and found a Fine Road but round about So, that keeping it would be five Miles; repossed the Ground we had taken. on the Eight had a Great many Cannon Fired at us but to no purpose —— 12th Capt Adams Party took a Frenchman and one Soldier from the French Forte Deserted to us. Colo Scott & Majr Preble was Detached with 500 Men to Possess the Ground that I had Twice before taken and to Intrench in order for our Batterys who were oposd by a Large party of French who Disputed the Pass Near an Houer. Fired Continually but at Length Quitted the Ground. we had in this action one man Kild Mr. Yung of the Train wounded & four of our Regiment Private. In the Evening Colo Scott & party Brook Ground & Intrenchd them Selves very well at ye Distance of 900 yards from the Forte. The Thirteenth the Enemy Kept a Continual Fire with their Cannon on the Party Intrenched and our patties Back & forward but without Success. In the Evening with Majr Frye, Capt Cobb &c. releived Colo Scott. about ten of the Clock Carryed up Two Eight Inch Mortars Shells &c. workt in the Trenches advanced 110 yds & Gaind upon the Forte about 85 —— the 14th the French Fired Very briskly on us. we returned the Complement with our Two Eight Inch Mortars and Five royals, the Later of which about ten I Found to Fall Short. Stopt their Fire & Continued with the Eight Inch Mortars till about Twelve when one of our Mortars was Disabled by a Cannon Shot From the Forte, we kept to work the Most of the Day althoh our Men were Fatigued and did not Like it, the Enemy throh Divers ten Inch Shells but Did no Damage relived at Eleven by Capt Huzey, Majrs Goldthwait & Bourn who was accompanyed by Capt. Cobb

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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