Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


tinued with their Musquetry to anoye us Notwithstanding which the Bridge was Laid and as the Second Battallion were partly Posted on the Dykes I reced orders to March with the First (who til that time had Not Fired a Shott but Kept them Selves in Good order to Support & Joyne the regulars in their Passage over the Bridge which was Immediately put in Execution and the Pass Gaind the Enemys Musquetry Continueing their Fire til we Gaind the Top of the Hill. the Dispute Lasted about an Hour in which we had a Serjant of the regulars Kild & Three Private wounded. four wounded of Each of our Battallions & Two of the Train of the Ennemy one Indian and Three French Kild as they own and Several wounded, after refreshing our Men we Marcht on within a Mile and an half of ye Forte and Encampt, on the fifth removed our Forces about half a Mile Nearer to the Forte and Encampt on the asscent of a Hill. between the Marsh and Road that Leads from the Bay of Vert to Forte Beausejour and is Near half a Mile across. the regulars next the Marsh on a Plain the Second Battallion in the Centre and the First on the right Next the Road. —— on the 6th Cleard our Camp. Capt. Silvanus Cobb Came up to us with his Sloop on whome the French Fired from their Forte and a Number with Small arms From the Dykes which Cobb Returnd with his Cannon and we Sent a Party to his assistance which Drove the Enemy back to the Forte. on the Seventh Divers Sloops Came up with their Stores, Cannon &c. We Pulld Down our Brush Houses and Set up Tents, Made a Brest worke with Brush and wood to Defend us from the Enemy. on the Eight I was Detached with 300 Men to View the Ground near the Forte with an Engenier, when we Came Near to it the Enemy had Posted them Selves on a Hill under the Cover of Rocks &c. from whence they made a Smart Fire upon us, the advanced Guard Led by Mr. Alexander, ye Main body by My Self who joyned the advanct Guard and Marcht Briskly up the Hill and Gave them our Fire and Drove them from Post to Post till they recovered the Forte. we advanced within 600 yds of the Garrison under the Cover of Hills &c. Notwithstanding ye Fire of their Cannon. Colo Scott Came to our assistance with 100 Men in about an Houer after our Ingaging. I Sent a party to Inform Colo Monckton I had taken Possession of the Ground and in Case we were to Keep it Desiered a reinforcement, had Orders to Quit it & return to the Camp which was ac-

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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