Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768



      your Excellency I am Persuaded would Gladly Know the Success that attends your Regiment under My Command now on Duty at Nova Scotia, with Pleasure I acquaint your Excellency that the Plan Lade is Executd in Part beyound or at Least with Less Difficulty then I Imagined.

      But to be a Little perticular we on the 26th of May arived at the Basin of Annapolis Continued there till the First of June when we Saild for Forte Lawrance and the Same Evening arived and anchord in about Five Leagues of it and on the Second Landed about six o ye Clock in the afternoon near the Forte, Marcht to it and Lodged in the out building, on the 3rd Incampt. on the 4th Struck our Camps and Marched for the French Forte then Cald Beausejour (now Forte Cumberland) and on our road about Three Miles from Forte Lawrence at a Place Cald Pont Abute where the road Leads acrose the River Mussaquash over which was Lately a Bridge and the Side opposite to us the French Claim and had Erected a Block house with Some Small Cannon or Swivels. with a party of French Soldiers, Inhabitants & Indians to the amount of about 400 Men Exstreamly well Posted & under Cover of Breast works &c. our Scituation was in this Maner in the Fronte Marcht Capt Adams with the advancet Gaurd then the regulars and Train undr Colo Moncktons own Command together about 300 Men the Train Drawn by the New England Troops under the Command of Capt. Stertevant after whome followed the Second Battallion under the Command of Lieut Colo Scott the rear Brought up by the First Battallion under my Command and in this Scituation we Marchd across a Fine Marsh formerly Dyked in by the French til we arived near the above mentioned Bridge. Hear they lay undiscovered and without the Least Notice Gave us their full Fire from the Block House and theirMusqetry which was Briskly returned by the advanct party the regulars and the Front part of the Second Battallion as Soon as Possible Captain Broome with Four Pieces of Cannon Six pounders which he Brought to Bare against their Block house and Party & Fired in the Quickest Maner that ever I Saw Cannon and after about a Quarter of an Houer in this Maner Disputing the French Set Fire to their Block house and Village, but Still Con-

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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