Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768




      about a weak Ago I was favored with your Letter Containing a Journal of your Expedition up the River Kennebuck together with a Plan of that River for both which I am Very much obliged to you. I have agreable to your permition Shewn them to Some Frinds who were Desierous to See them and they are at Present in the hands of Colo Hopson. I am Glad you have Got So well over that alarming attackt which Seizd you on this Expedition. I hope you will be more Carefull of your Self upon any Future occation.

      It is Confidently Said here the Colony of New England has Now Some Scheme on Foot. if it be So I am Shure you have Some Considerable Share in it and I Flater my Self Shall have an account of it from you your Colony has Distinguished its Self So much by her zeal and activity that Even were we unconcerned our Selves in the Issue we ought to wish you all Success but when our Interest is So Manifestly Connected you May Easily Judge that we are Impatient to Learn the Truth.

      We Seame here to be upon a Ballance between war & peace. Lord Hertfords Embassey tis in General Presumed will resolve the Doubt. I would write to you More fully but am Streightened in time having had Very Suden Notis of this Ships Departure. My Father I Know Proposed writing and I hope will Supply my Defect. I most hartily wish your Self and Family all health and Happines and Should be Glad of an oppertunity to approve my Self.

Dear Sir your Faithfull Frend & Most obediant Servant      

To Majr General John Winslow

      at Marshfield New England }


      June 24th & 25th. Nothing remarkable.

      26. A return of Lieut Colo Winslows Battalion of Colo William Shirleys Provincial Regiment of Foot.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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