Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Capt Wilkinson to Receive your arrears and an answer to the Paragraff of another which Informd you of the Stopage of ten pounds for Capt Scott for Two Men which they Insisted upon to Make according to agreement. There is No appearance of an End of the Suit Commenced by General Phillipps Executors, their Motions are So So [sic] Slow that we Cannot press them as I Could wish. Their Chief aim being to Compel us to a Composition for an allowance of a Sum Towards the Generals Disburstments upon that Cursed Suit Carryed on & Obtaind by the Merchants for the Freight of the recruits Sent in the Heneritta. if any part of their Demands are to be Tryed it will be for that and the Fire & Candle Money which now I apprehend they may Succeed in as I am Informed the Present Governors Claim as a Perquisitt all that has been Saved over and above the real Disburstment, if Witnesses be Called to Prove the Custom I am affraid we Shall Fail therein however I Shall Press that Colo Mascarene & the other Commanding officers may be made Parties to the Bill. The Bd of Trade has absolutely refused to allow the Demand of the 4d and the Colonels have Given it up thoh the Regiment is Much in Debt. the Present Captains Complain Greatly.
      As to the Treasurys Demand they Stil hang over my head. the Saving you Mention as apprending, belongd to the Late Contractor Missnign and So Mentioned in the reporte about the non Effective Provisions and now Say that Colo Mascarene Informed you there were no Provisions in Store of any Kind when Mr Woodfords Contract took Place. tis pitty this had not been Set forth at first I am afraid to Move any further Lest it Should Make Bad worse as Colo Mascarene in his Letter to me of the 21st of May 1753 observes in these words ôI would however be Cautious and avoyd the Causing a general overhal at home as it Might bring a Great Deal of Trouble & Exspence.ö  
      In Shorte the Treasury Looks upon all Governours to be Plunderers and agents to be Rougues, they Say the Capts Must refund. I am Tyred with the applications. I remain with an Exspectation of hearing from you Soon.  
Dear Sir, your Most obediant Humble Servant      

To John Winslow, Esqr att
      Marshfield. N. England }  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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