Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Effect Every thing that Can be Wished for or Exspected from the Brave People under your Command who Merrit the Highest applause for their Good behaviour and Steadiness to Support his Majestys Just rights against the Encroachments of the French.

      I wish you all Imaginable Success & Prosperity as well in this as in any other Undertaking wherein you may be Concernd and am with the Greatest Esteem & regards Sir, you Most obediant Humble Servant

On his Majestys Service To Lieut

      Colo Winslow at Chignecto


TUESDAY, Half Seven.      


      I have this Moment reced a Letter from Colo Lawrance acquainting me that Mr. Boscowen with Eleven Sail of the Line has taken a 74 and 64 Ship of Lewisbourgh with Eight Company of Marines on Board. that he is Stil Cruising of and Does Not Doubt but that he will take more. an unlucky Fog Prevented his taking the whole which is Supposed to be 3000 Men and Six Ships of all which I Wish you Joy am Sir your

Most obedient      


To Colo Winslow


LONDON, 21ST JANUARY, 1755.      


      It is almost a year Since the Date of your Last Letter which I Reced being on the 9th of February 1754 at Boston and was Very Shorte. I should from your Long and Unusal Silance have Immagined yt you had taken a Trip into the other world had I Not been informd by the Newspapers of your March as a General at the Head of Troops Sent out to Protec.t and Erect Fortifications to be built in America and that after performing the Service you was Safely returnd to Boston.

      My Son Sent you the Books &c you Sent for Last July I have Reced your half pay according to the affidavit you Sent til Decer 1753 I have paid Mr. Lane 150£: upon your account

      you have Made Me no answer to my Letter wherein I acquainted you that you had Neglected or Forgott to Send me an Order on

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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