Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768




      By The advice of the Gentlemen of the Council I have Sent a Party to Keep Possession of the Forte of Gaspereau till Such time as I hear from Hallifax. you will be Pleasd to Deliver over to Capt. Speakman an acct of the Stores that he may take them into his Charge and to return with your party as Soon as May be. I am Sir your Obediant & Humble Servt

To Lieut Colo Winslow Com-
manding at Gaspareau. }


      June 22. In the Evening Capt Speakman & Jones Arived with Two Hundred Men. Arived —— all well.


      Invoyce of Stores and Provissions in Forte Gaspereau Delivered over by Lieut Colo Winslow to Capt Thomas Speakman by Colo Monckton's order. viz. 4 Cannon four Pounders, 4 Do Two Pounders, 2 Swivells, 2 Carrigis for Guns, 7 Barrels of Powder 100 wt Musquet Shott, 8 Hhds. Molasses, Three Bbs. pease partly used, 230 Barrels of Porke. Three Barrels Tallow wanting about 8 lbs Ten Galls Oyle. 9 Doz Codlines, 1300 Iron Shott and about fifty Cartherages.

      SIR I Reced of Lieut Colo Winslow the above Invoyce of Stores and Provissions in Forte Gaspereau and Shall take a Survey of them to-morrow and Make return the First oppertunity.

To The Honble Colo Monckton
at Forte Cumberland. }

Pattrol Pepperrell.

      23d. March out with my party at Four in the Morning had a Rainey Day. arived at the Camp about Twelve. Three Men Faild on the Road for whom I Tarryed Near Two Houers at Pont Abute when they Came in. I Left a Detachment of Thirty men to Escorte them who Did not Come in til toward Night. Immediately

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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