Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768




      We arived at this place a Little before Sun Setting & Immediatly Took Possession of the Garrison which I take to be one Hundred and Eighty Foot Square with four Bad Blockhouses one at Each Corner a Ditch partly Dug No ramparts nor Glasses nor an Erstrodenary Palasade, a Large Store house but not Tight nor Floar. Nither is there one Building in the whole Tennantable all things are Miserable to the Last Degree.

      I have Sent your Honr an Invoyce of the warlike Stores & Provissions Found Considerable Quantities rold out of the Garrison to Places adjatent and Some Molasses in the water Finde Nither Bread nor Licquors, nor Flower for Much More than one Day. so that in Case we remain more then tomorrow we Must be Supplyd with Bread for the Party as also their Camp Kettles as I Find no Kinde of Vessels to Dres their Provissions in and they obliged to Broyl their Pork or Eat it Raw which I Doubt will be of Bad Consequence, I have represented these Facts as I take them to be and Shall wait your Orders for my Future Conduct, Where I to Give my Opinion it would be to Demolish the Forte am with Due regards

your Humble Servant      

To Colo Monckton Commander in Chief
of the Forces at Forte Cumberland &c. }


Pattrol Shirley


      Ordered a Party of 200 Men to Proceed to the Vilage of the Bay of Verte To Make Search for Mr Lt Latres Chest & papers. Said to be Lodged at abbe Monacks where being arived & Made Search Found Nothing of any Consequence and Informed by the Inhabitants that both these Priests went on the Same Day that Beausejour Surrendered by water and Took with all their Effects but wether they were Gone to Cannada or ye Island of St. Johns they Could not Tel. This Vilage Contains about Twenty-five Houses a Chaple and Priests house well Furnished, and the Inhabitants of this Vilage Live in better form and more after the English Manner than Any I have Seen in this Province and have an openCommunication with the Island of St John & the Inhabitants of Cape Briton whome the Furnish with Lumber Indian Goods &c. and from whome they receive all the Conveniencys of Life in Return.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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