Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Persuant to the aforegoing orders Drew up the Detachment of 500 Men ordered and March of from the Perade at Eleven o'Clock having with me Majr Frye Capt Adams, Osgood, Perry & Gilbert, Mr Goddart Enjenner Doctr Witworth and Divers Subalterns with French Pilots. Stopt at Two by ye Side of a Brook, refreshd our Selves & Set forward, Came to Musaquash River at about Three mile of the Bay of Vert where the French had a Fine Bridge accrose but Now Demolished, which retarded us Some time til we Could lay a New one which we accomplisht & Marcht on all the way a Good Cart road thoh wet. the Land for the Most Part Verry Good til we Came Near the Bay where it grew worse. past throh the Vilage at Bay of Verte. arived at the Fort about Sun Set. Emmediately Entered and Took Possession. Monsr Vilray Commands without about Thirty regulars & Some artificers &c March out. The Latter part of the Day proved Rainey —————— Pattrol Monckton.


To Captain Nathan Adams, Phineas Osgood & Nathl Perrey Lieut Thomas Lawrance & Job Crooker
      you are hereby Directed to take a Survey of the Magazein of Warlike Stores, Provissions &c that are in this Garrison and Make a True Invoyce thereof and make return to Me as Soon as Posable. Given under my hand.  
Commanding officer of sd Forte.

      19th of June 1755. Persuant to the above order we have Taken a Survey and Made an Invoyce of the Warlike Stores and Provissions in the Garrison at Gaspereau which we Finde to be as follows, viz 4 Cannon four pounders, 4 Ditto two pounders, 2 Swivells, 2 Carragis for Cannon, 7 Barrels of Powder, one Hundred weight Musquet Balls, 8 Hhds Molasses, 3 Barrels of Pease 6 Barrels of Flower 230 Barrels of Porke, 3 Barrels of Tallow, 10 Galls Lamp Oyle, 9 Doz of Codlines, 1300 Iron Shot and about 50 Cartherages as Witness our Hands &c.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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