Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


were when we arived and not Punished for what they had Done Since our being in the Country, and they allowed till Two of ye Clock to Consider. In which time they Came to a Determination to Surrender on the Terms Proposed, upon which they were allowd til Seven to March out. Colo Scott and the Party in the Trenches ordered to take Possession which was Done. and in the Evening about Sun Setting Colo Monckton & myself with the regulars and 300 New England Troops Marcht into the Forte where being Entered we Found that one of our Large Shells at Eight in the Morning Fell upon a Casment they Immagined to be Secure and Killd Mr Hay one of our officers Taken on the Eight, and four of their officers, our Bombs before Killing them Several Men & Done them Vast Damage. The regulars & half the New England Troops Lodged in the Garrison. I with the others without.

      Thus having Got into the Forte I would Observe That from our First Marching from Forte Lawrance to Forte Beasejour we were Continually Molested by Parties of the Enemy, we where Continually Molested and Harrased in our Camps, and Particularly this Day at One of the Clock the French & Indians attacht, us by Fireing on our Guards. upon which we rallied & Fired on them, wounded one of the Chief of the Indians who Informd us that we had wounded one other of the Mickmack Tribe before he was hurt & that in Passing the Bridge at Pont Debute we Kild on of the Chiefs of the St Johns Tribe & Kild and wounded a Great Many French & Indians (after which and Taking a Dram or too he Quiatly Dyied) and throh all our Varous Scirmages and Different Parties we put our Enemys to Flight and throh Gods Goodness had but Three men Kild and none wounded but what are in a way to do well. The Enemy by the Best Intelligance Lost upwards of Twenty men & Many wounded.



      Pattrol King George Colo Winslow & Scotts Battallions to Finde a Gaurd for the Trenches. 200 Men to be Sent to Levell the Trenches tomorrow at Six of the Clock, those now in the Trenches to Return to the Camp this Night.


      To Colo Winslow.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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