Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768



      I have the Pleasure of yours but before the reception, it was Thought best to be Stil with our five Inch Mortars as they where of No use but to Amuse our Selves. the Enemy have taken Down a Building Some what Like a Block house and one other which I Imagin to be a Pigeon House, we continue our worke this Day in widening our Trenches and are Covering our Mortars, as Fast as we Can and hope to be ready by Night to receive the one of Thirteen Inches. The Bed of the Mortar Disabled is not Hurt and will Serve another of the Same Dementions. the Enemy Levell their Cannon Very well, and half Burry us in the Trenches but hurt us None. We have Reced. 120 Cannon Shot No Extrodenarys.  
your Humble Servant,      

To Colo Monckton Commandr
in Cheif of the Forces at Chignecto
in Camp at Beausejour. }

      Visetted Capt. Rale and Party at Two, Were Complimented with Some Cannon Shot as I Pasd there & Back. we Kept to worke this whole Day althoh our Men were Greatly Fatigued, and did not Like it. The Enemy this Day Fired at us 140 Cannon Shott and in the Evening Divers Ten Inch Shells which Came near us but Did no Damage.  
      Relived at Eleven in the Evening by Capt Huzey, Major Goldthwait and Bourn who were accompanyed by Capt Cobb who Brought with him the Thirteen Inch mortar & Divers other Millatary Stores with Three Teams. Exstream Dark and Rained Very hard, Lost our way in returning to the Camp Got Close under the Fort and Did arive to our Camp til Two of the Clock in the Morning.  
      Beausejour. Orders June I4th Pattrol Rouse, Counter Sign Frinds to Boston.  
      The Trenches to be Releived this Night by the Same Number of Officers and Men as yesterday, Capt Huzey, Major Goldthwait and Majr Bourn for that Duty, as the adjutants have Some Difficulty in Parading Men for Sudden Occations, the Serjants telling them all their Men are upon Duty out of their Turns which ought Not to be,  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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