Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


set Forward having with us Capt Silvanus Cobb as a Volenteir; arived at the Trenches at about ten, Marcht Most of the way in the Plain roade that Leads to Fort Beausejour, & Then Turnd to the right in a Blind Path having Capt Willard for our Guide, Some what bewildered, & bad Rhoad & as this was our First attempt with Teams Met with Considerable Difficulty, but at Last arived Safe with the Party and Relived Colo Scott & his Detachment and Posted our men in the Same Maner as they that we relived were Posted. Work very Hard Til Day break Extending a Trench from the Intrenchment Made by Colo Scott in an angle Towards the Forte. Covering the workmen with a Gaurd between us and the Enemy with fifty men Lying Flat on the Ground, & advanced this night 110 yards, 85 of which was Gaind in a Straight Line Towards the Forte. Met with No Misfortune in the Night Season.

      June 14. Early in the Morning the French Fired Very Briskly on us, we returnd the Compliment with our Two Eight Inch Mortars and Five Royals at about Ten I Found our Royals to Fall Shorte of the Forte & Stopt the Fire of them & Continued to Play with our Two 8 Inch Mortars. Sent to Colo Monckton an account of our Situation, and that we were all well, but had one of our Eight Inch Mortars Disabled by a Cannon Ball at Twelve; and from Him Reced. the following Letter, viz.



      I am Favored with yours and am glad to hear that you are all Well. Capt. Brome is of Oppinion that the Royals are at Too Great a Distance, therefore ought to be Made use of and that we ought to be Very Sparing Likewise of our Eight Inch Shells. I propose sending the Thirteen Inch Mortar this Night & another Eight Inch for which the Battery ought to be Compleated, as for want of that Precaution we may be Liable to Loose all our Mortars. Should be Glad Sir, to Know wether the Bed of the Eight Inch Mortar is Disabled or Not, & Likewise when any thing Exstrodenary hapens; am Sir,

Your obediant Servant,      

To Lieut Colo John Winslow,

      Commmanding in the Trenches. }

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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