Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Bad Consequence may arise, and as the Kings Service and my Character are at Stake, must transmitt, an Account of these affairs, to the Secretary of State, Board of Trade and Secretary of Warr as his Excelly Govr Shirley is out of the Province. I have, Sir, for your Perusal, Sent some Sections of the Articles of Warr and would acquaint only you, that our Transportes are now waiting for those Men, that Provisions, wood, and Water, are on Board, and hope to obtain so much favour from your Excelly for his Majestys Service, that the said Rogers, and all the Men enlisted be directed immediately to attend their Duty at Boston. Am with the greatest Regard your Excelly most

Humle Servant,      


To His Excelly Benning Wentworth.

      Govr. of his Majesy Province of New Hampshire.


BOSTON APRILE 12th 1755.      


      I am informed by Capt Dixon that he meets with great Opposition not only in Raiseing Recruits for his Excelly Govr Shirleys New England Regiment of which I have the Honr to be Leiut. Coll., and as he is out of the Province the Command devolves on me. But also that the Men raised by him sd Dixon, Capt. Brentnal, and Capt Lampson, are for Frivolous Pretenses, arrested and imprisoned Contrary to Act of Parliament, and that the Authority of your Honr. Government absolutely Prevents their Marching to their Duty at this Place, to which they were ordered on the 20th Past.

      I apprehend your Honr. has not been rightly informed as to the Circumstances of this Regiment, Therefore take the Liberty to acquant you that we are raised by the King's Order, Subsisted, Cloathed, and paid immediately by him and have no manner of Concern with the Province, nor in the Defence of it; but our Duty and Orders to Joyne other of his Majest Forces, to remove the Incroachments made by the French Kings Subjects on his Majty Government of Nova Scotia, and in shorte for the time enlisted for, are as much a Regiment of the Kings, as any are in the Servise, and as Nova Scotia is immediately more in danger than any other Part of

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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