Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


BOSTON, APRIL 12th, 1755.      

      On my return from Recruiting in the County, to this Place, I was favoured, with a Sight of your Excellency's Letter to Mr. Hutchison of the 6th of April with regard to the Men enlisted in his Majest Government under your Command into his Excellency Governour Shirley's New England Regiment, of which I have the Honr. to be Leiut. Coll. and in his Absence, have under my Direction, and am Concerned to think that this Regiment does not meet with the same Kind Treatment with His Excellences's other Regiment and Sir William Pepperell's which perhaps may arise from your Excellences not being acquainted with its foundation, which briefly is this. We are paid, Cloathed, and provided for the King, and are in every Respect, as much his Majest. Regiment, for the time enlisted for, as any in the service, and destined to Joyne other forces in Nova Scotia for removeing the Incroachments made by the French Kings Subjects on that His Majest. Government; and it is a Peice of Service, the Event of which is nearly allyed to the Government immediately under your Command, and the Settlement and Defence of which Government has Cost the Nation, an immense Sum, and if that Troops from the Northern Colonies are discouraged, and Prevented, from Proceeding to their Assistance, it is probable that they must fall a Prey to the Enemy.  
      As to Subject Matter of Maj. Frye's Memorial, there is no disputing the Fact, as I now have before Mr. Secretary Atkison's Letter of the 20th of March, directed On his Majest Service to Robt. Rogers wherin he is ordered in your Excellency's Name, immediately to desist from Raising Men, and to Come directly to Portsmouth, and take Beating Orders from your Excelly and Coll Blanchard directed to put a Stop to any Enlistments made in his Regiment &c. And uncontestable Evidence of many Mens being duely enlisted.  
      I am very sorry that Mr. Rogers Knew so Little of his Duty, as not to wait on your Excelly before he offered to Recruit in your Government, Yet Conclude his Ignorance Should not terminate, in any Shape to the Prejudice of the Service, and as Matters are now Situated, for want of those People who have been duly enlisted in your Excelly Province and paid the Kings Money (not the Province's)  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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