Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


that General Johnson will have with him, about 10,000 Men. Such a Heroick Sperit Prevails in this & Connecticut Goverment that Numbers Omite their Business Mount their Horses and Joyne the Army Daily. that I hope I Shall Soon have the Pleasure to Congratulate you on the Intier Conquest Not only of Crown Pointe, but at the Southward by the Forces under the Command of General Shirley who the Last time I heard from him which was by a Letter Dated the 2d of this Instant, was well and in Good Sperits, he was Erecting a Strong Forte at Oswego and Kept four Good Cruizers on ye Lake Ontario, til the return of the Scouts he Sent out, I heartily wish you here with the Battallion under your Command to Joyne him, it would Give you Great Delight to See the Sperit of the People at this time. I hope it will Not be long before I Shall have the Pleasure to See you & ye rest of my Country Men here, pray make my Complements to Capt Adams & Capt Hobbs, who they tel me are with you at Mines & beleive me to be with Great Sincerity & regard to be Sir your Most obd Humble Servt.


On His Majestys Service To John Winslow Esqr Commandg his Majtys Forces at Mines.


BOSTON, SEPTEMBR 8TH, 1755.      


      I have wrote you Several Letters Since I have been Favored with one from you, I have recd a Firkin of Butter from your Son Pelham which with the other Things you wrote for I Shall Send a Soon as I hear where you are posted. Please to acqaint Whitworth that his wife this Day Sevennight brought to Town a Fine Boy it was Christened yesterday the Name Nathaniel. Mrs. Whitworth and all the Children are well, our General Court Mett on Fryday Last in Consequence of Letters from General Johnson. they have been Setting Ever Since and yesterday being Sunday they voted Immediatly to raise 2000 men to reinforce the army, all the Regiments in the Province are to be under arms this Day Sevenight in order to get as many Volentiers as they Can and when they Know the Number of ye Volentiers will press as many as will make up the 2000, Every sorte of Necessary is with Great Expedition preparing for them in order to Send them Forward as Soon as Posible, this Day we have had advise from Abbany that our Cruziers on the Lake ontario have taken Two Vessels, the one of them Laden with Provissions bound from Quebeck to Niagaria, the other Laden with Furs from Niagaria for Quebeck. I Wish you Happy & am Dr Sir your Most obediant Servant,

WM. COFFIN, JR.      

To The Honble John Winslow Esqr Nova Scotia.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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