Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


Must Know the Impropriety of A applying to the Lievt Govr for a Commission in Regiment Not in this Province pay of which the Govr him Self is Colonel, however the Lievt Govr Knew better than to Meddle and has Excused him Self. I Now beg Leave to Congratulate you on the Success hitherto of our Crown Pointe Forces, a Copy of General Johnsons Letter I herein inclos to you, as the Vessel that Conveys this Letter is Just on Sailg I have Not time to Get a Copy of Some Other Letters, which Gives a Differant account as to the Number of the Enemy in this Engagement, we were about 2500 and the Enemy by Comparing the Several accts and our own observation was 3700, the French officer and Two Private Men Carryed into Forte George, which is a Forte we have Erected at the Hither End of the Carrying Place to Lake Sacrament Told Colonel Blanchard who has the Command there that 3700 Marchd from Crown Pointe and that 2000 More where there and Some other posts in the way thither in reserve. you will See that Baron Deaskew Says 1700 where with him and that only 200 of them were regulars, but the 1200 which is the Number Concluded from the Ground they Spread that Marchd in the Center against our Camp with their Bayonets Fixd that Fired and behaved in Every respect Like Veterans and Commanded by Two General officers regularly bred Must be Lookd upon as regulars til Some better account then we have had Makes it appear Otherways. In Mr. Johnsons Letter there are three Differant accounts as to the Number of the Enemy, but the French Generals acct and the Prisoners with Colo Blanchard agree in the Main. I Mean as to tbe Number on the March and those in reserve which makes in both their accounts in the whole 5700 the General Says 1700 with him and 4000 in reserve and other Persons Say 3700 Marched and there was 2000 in reserve which Last is the only Probable account as it Cant be Immagined that Two General officers Should Leave the maine boddy & Should attack their Enemy with an Inferiour Number. I hear there is a Letter Just Come to Town from an officer in the Camp Dated the Day after ye Generals Letter Giveing an account that they have Pickd up 1300 Smal arms among the Enemy that were Slain which is a Further Proof of their Numbers being Larger than the French General owns or they Must have been Very Desperate Troops however it is a Glorious Defeat & Now we have raisd an augmentation of 2000 Men which lnlisted Last Monday being the Day there was a General Muster of all the Regiments throh out the Province. Some of which are on their March and 500, part of the 800 before raisd here for an augmentation with a Like proportion from Conneticut and Some from road Island in all Propability joyned our Forces at the Camp in less than 48 Houers after ye action that in a Few Days, we Shall have 4,000 men from this Province with Genl Johnson raisd by the Goverment, besides Volentiers that went from the Western Countys and there will be the upwards of 3000 from Conneticut, Most of which I hear are Marchd & between 2 & 3000 is raisd between New York, Rhoad Island & New Hamshier and there is about 400 Mohawks,

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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