Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768


plements. I Very Sincerely wish you Health and Hapiness and am with Esteem Dr Sir your Most obediant Humble Servant.


      P.S. Please to Make my Complements to Doctr Whitworth and tel him I have Sent the Money he Desierd to Mr. Jarvice by Capt Gay. On His Majesty's Service To John Winslow Esqr. Commanding his Majtys Forces at Mines.




      It is with much Pleasure I reced yours of the 20th Instant by Capt Crooker. Should rejoyce if we were ordered to Mines under your Command, but Discover No Signs of So happy a Change of affairs. I have reced your account Inclosed and have offered it to Some of the officers and they Chuse to See the Men before they pay it as they are Dayley Exspectedl to be Sent here by you. I Shall take Perticular Care to Collect according to your request. In regard to the Supplys of your Company I have Somthings by me and have wrote for more from Boston, but when I Shall receive them I Cant tel. What I have by me is Cloathing Such as Shirts, Shoes & Great Coats. Mr. Gay Took Shoes and Stockings with him for the People when he Left me. this From your Very Humble Servant,


      P.S. the men wounded with Majr Frye belonging to your Battallion are all Like to recover of their wounds. the officers in General are Greatly Desierous of Coming under your More Immediat Command.


To Colo Winslow at Mines pr Capt Crooker.




      Inclosed I Send your Letters by the Party. I wrote you by Rodehon & Sent you General Johnsons Letter of his Victory on which I Hartily Congratulate you I did not Care to Trust Mr. Rodehon with your Letters as perhaps he Might have made a Bad use of them. I Should be Glad to Know when you think it will be Proper to Send another Party, the Govr Says Twice a week but I think it will be needless til the Transportes are arived or the Inhabitants are on Board, my People are Pritty Much Harrasd. I sent Mr. Gay to Hallifax to his No Smal Joye. I am Dear Sir with Sincere regards & Esteem your most Obediant Humble Servant,

A. MURRAY.      

      When you think it Necessary Shall Send. Adieu.

on His Majestys Service to John Winslow Esqr Commanding his Majtys Forces at Grand Pre.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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