Nova Scotia Archives

Au cœur de l'Acadie

Archives concernant la Déportation et le Grand dérangement, 1714-1768



      I am Just Favored with yours by Rodehan & Should have been Exstreamly Glad of your Company here, but as I immagin you have Very Good reasons for Staying at your Camp I Must rest Contented til beter times, when we Shall be able to Enjoye our Selves to our Satisfaction. I am amazed what Can Keep the Transportes & Saul. Shurely our Frind at Chignecto is willing to give us as Much of our old Nighbours Company as he well Can, I Sincerely wish No accident has hapened there. The Party is not yet returned. So it Does Shall Send or bring your Letters, for I really Long to See you all here Joyne me in our Best respects to you and the Doctr and all your Gents. I am with Sincere regards & Esteem Dr Sir your Most obediant and Most Humble Servant.  
A. MURRAY.      
      I hope we Shall have Soon have our People from Cobequid.  
      To John Winslow Esqr Commandg his Majtys Forces at Mines &c.


      I have the Pleasure of your Favor Just now from Lievt Crooker who arived yesterday at Forte Cumberland and as Taggert is orderd to Sail for Mines in the Morning. I have only time To thank you for your Care & Trouble in Fowarding my Letters, had you Perused that from my Sister it would not have been at all Disagreable to me however as I Shall not omite making your Complements to her when I write. It is passable I may Mention your Breaking her Seal at which I am Shure She Can take no offence. One of the Letters you Sent me was From T. Dering. Informed me of Mr. Thomas having a Son Born. So your your Neighbour Ray has not been Delinquent in regard to a Son & Heir (as it may hapen) I have not time Now to Send the account of Rum & Molasses as you Desier but will as Soon as Posable, there is no Deficiency in any other Specia. I made up that of Meal in Rice to the Troops when They Embarked for Mines as I have to those remaining here Since. I make no Doubt but the Defficiency of Molasses will be ordered to be paid Likewise. We have not yet Embarked all our French but I Supose it Cant be above a Day or Two Longer before they will be Shipt off. I think you have been Very Expeditious, and have Succeeded Much better then I Imagined you would do; you have a Fine Parcel of Stock. I wish they were Equally Distributed among a number of Good Familys and the Lands well Settled, but when that will be God Knows. Majrs Bourn, Huston & Frinds Joyne in Com-  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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