The Medway Inn is a full Cape Cod built by Patrick Doran in 1784. The house took four years to build; the basement walls are four feet thick and are made of hand cut stones.
The centre of the basement is filled with a solid mass of rock about ten foot square. It supports the huge fireplace chimney which rises through the centre of the house. About 1920, the property was purchased by Gavin Creed, son of Frederick Creed who invented the Creed teleprinter. Gavin is reputed to have spent $70,000 restoring the house, improving the garden and installing plumbing and hot water system.
Dutch or Georgian Colonial buildings, 1700-1830, have the following characteristics:
- usually wood construction
- square symmetrical shape
- 1 ½ to 2 ½ storeys
- low-hipped, gambrel, steeply pitched gable, salt-box roofs, middle pitched or hipped roofs
- dormers absent or undersized
- one central or paired chimneys
- centered doorway with symmetrical facade
Date: 1958
Photographer: E.G.L. Wetmore
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives Photo Collection: Places: Mill Village, Queens County: Houses: Medway Inn
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