Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotians in the Age of Slavery and Abolition

DeLancey v. Woodin (plaintiff's statement of claim against the defendant for harbouring 'Jack', a fugitive slave)
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Loyalist James DeLancey of Round Hill, Annapolis County, sues William Woodin, a Halifax merchant, for knowingly taking into his employment DeLancey's runaway slave, 'Jack', and refusing to return him. It is not known if the suit proceeded to trial. We do know that Jack kept his freedom. DeLancey died nine months later, and Jack is not in the inventory of "Negroes" belonging to his estate.

Date: 20 August 1803

Reference: Supreme Court of Nova Scotia — Annapolis County case files  Nova Scotia Archives  RG 39 C (AP) volume 1 file 2

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