Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Reproduction of 1749 Ratification at St. John of the Chebucto Renewal of the Treaty of 1725
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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

The Articles of Peace on the other Side, Concluded at Chebucko, the fifteenth of August, one thousand Seven hundred and forty-nine, with His Excellency Edward Cornwallis Esqr., Capt. General,. Governour and Commander in Chief of His Majes Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie and Signed by our deputies, having been communicated to us by Edward How, Esqr., one of His Majests Council for Said Province, and faithfully Interpreted to Us by Madame De Bellisle Inhabitant of this river nominated by us for that purpose. We the Chiefs and Captains of the River St. Johns and places adjacent do for ourselves and our different tribes confirm and ratify the same to all intents and purposes. Given under our hands at the River St. Johns this fourth day of September one thousand Seven hundred and forty-nine in the presence of the under written witnesses.

ED. How. of his Majesty's Council Nath Donnell
John Weare,
Joseph Winniett
John Wenn.
Robert Mckoun
Matt Winniett
John Phillipps
Michell (Totem) Narreyones Chief,
Nnola (Totem) Neguin Capt.,
François (Totem) De Xawier Archibano Marqillie,
Pierre (Totem) Alexander Margillie,
Augusta (Totem) Meyawet, Maitre Clef De La Rio.,
François (Totem) Mayawyawet, Maitre Serure Dt.,
Rene (Totem) Neyum,
Neptune (Totem) Pierre Paul, Chief of Capneyneidy,
Suapau (Totem) Papanlonet
François (Totem) Gormam, Capt.,
Pierre (Totem) Bennoit, Capt.,
François (Totem) Drino Capt.,
Rene (Totem) Filie Dambrous, Capt.

Transcript is from W. E. Daugherty, Maritime Indian treaties in historical perspective (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1981); Renewal of the Treaty of 1725 (Chebucto 1749) in their treaty series.

Signed at "the river St Johns," 4 September 1749, by the Chief and representatives of the "River St Johns and places adjacent" and witnessed by members of His Majesty's Council for Nova Scotia.

This is a reproduction included in Thomas B. Akins, editor, Selections from the public documents of the Province of Nova Scotia (Halifax, 1869).

Transcript is from W. E. Daugherty, Maritime Indian treaties in historical perspective (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1981); Renewal of the Treaty of 1725 (Chebucto 1749) in their treaty series.

Date: 1749

Retrieval no.: Peace and Friendship Treaties Nova Scotia Archives O/S number 512

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