Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Memo of James B. Uniacke regarding Fr. Courteau's request for relief funds for the Mi'kmaq of Cape Breton. Recommends £41.10.0.
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Mr Courteau

23 April 1851.Mr Howe wrote to Mon Couteau that £30 was what to him for the Indians-
7 June 1851. Mr Keating wrote to him in answer to his order favour of Mon [illegible] that he had paid him £15 and that Mr Courteau was to keep the £15 he held for the education of Mihale Christmas but this £15 is due in Canada and therefore Indians have only £15
In 1846 Aug - £26.10. was expended by authority of Government, when his draft was refused because grant was exhausted and he is deficient to that amount
Mr Courteau administers religious ceremony to the Indians 600 in number and is obliged to support them [illegible] come [illegible] Indian [illegible] in [illegible] [illegible] and must have provision and Mr Courteau has to provide for ther wants
See journals for 1849 - appendix no 89 - [illegible] Expenditure by the Revd [illegible] Corteau in C.B. -- Amt from Provl Treas[ur]y £50_
Expended in provision of charities £26.11.
Balance reserved to purchase provisions to deeds 23.9. 50
Balance in hands of Rev Mr Corteau - £23.9
see Journals for 1850_
Petition of Revd Mr Corteau - page 455-
or Appendix No 42_ p.157- "Committee cannot recommend
How does it appear that £15 is due to Canada? A separate claim should be made for the amount in the next session for that appears in the minutes.

Date: 1857

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 81

Nova Scotia Archives —

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