note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions
Even at the risk of my health to elieve
their suffering and check the [ravages?] of
the disease - No competent person could
be procured to administer the medicine
I was therefore under the necessity of giving
it myself assisted by Dr. Richardson of
60th. Rifles who can bear testimony to
all my statements. According to
Medical [usage?] a dollar is allowed
for each mile we travel to the Country
and if detained for more than one
day a proportional charge is made
My visit therefore to Maitland would
amount to at least £30 & if the
Same principle be applied to my
attendance in the Dartmouth district
My bill would at least be double that
[?r OR t]endered independant of what might
Be considered a compensation for the
loss sustained by an entire Sacrifice of
Five weeks of practice
My horse by standing in the
Snow and cold has been since useless
to me Many circumstances might be
added to prove that my bill is moderate
I was under the necessity of Keeping accounts
With ['butchers' 'baker', 'grocers' - underlined] &c &c. an
office, which made me responsible for mistakes
(Should any be made) and which would have
cost the Government at least £30
Soon after my papers were submitted to
the Committee on Indian Affairs my accounts
were Sent by some person of that Committee
to be examined by Two Magistrates in
Dartmouth one of these being absent the other
Date: 1847
Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 431 number 43
Nova Scotia Archives —
Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.