Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Poor quality negative copy of a table of the distribution of sundry articles for the use of the Mi'kmaq by order of John Kempt from December 1826 to December 1829.
view transcript 1


note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Distribution of Sundry articles for the use of the Indians by order of His Excellency
Sir [James?] Kempt

[column titled as follows]
Date | To whom delivered | Yds Cloth | Pairs Blankets | Flannel Shirts | Yards [Swanskins?] | [Hdkps?] | [lbs] Thread | Bbls Meal | Gals [Molasses?] | lbs [?Tobacco] | Axes | Flannel [Gowns?] | Bushels Corn | [Hoes?] | [Grindstone?] | [Rye flour bls?] | Potatoes bushels | Wheat bushels | Shawls | Homespuns | fearnaught Coating 4yds | Shot bags | Gunpowder lbs | beans lbs | picks | medicines

13 Decr | ? | " | 8 | 3 | [~ in all columns 'til coating]| 12 | 125 | " | " | " |

29 May | To Indians by Father Carroll |[~ in all columns except 2 illegible]
May & June | To Do by Jno Heckman Esqr Lunenburg | [" in all columns 'til axes] | 2 | " | " 4 | " | " 37 | 2 | [~ in remaining columns]
19th Septr | To Do by C. E. Dickson Esqr Amherst | 6 ¾ | 3 | [" in all remaining columns]
Octr | To Do by [?H] Haliburton Esq Annapolis | [" in all columns 'til axes] | 10 | " | " | 5 | [" in all columns 'til picks] | 5 | "
Novr | [Wm.?] Campbell Esqr, Cornwallis | " | 5 | [" in all remaining columns]
Father Vincent Pomquet | 10 | 10 |6 | " | 6 | ½lb | 2 | [" in all remaining columns]
Judge Marshall, Sydney | 16 ½ | 10 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 1 | 5 | [" in all remaining columns]
7 Dec | Father Vincent | [" in all columns except medicines] | sundry
Decr. | Monsieur Segoine Sissaboo | 10 | 5 | 6 | " | 6 | ½ | [" in all remaining columns]
Lawrence Kavanagh St.Peters | 17 ½ | 10 | 5 | 10 | 12 | 1 | 5 | [" in all remaining columns]

1828 January | Robt Bingay Esq Shelburne | 10 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 6 | " | 1 | [" in all remaining columns]
February | Robt. Dickson Esqr. Onslow | " | 20 | [" in all remaining columns]
May | Judge Wiswall Digby | " | 8 | " | " | " | " | 1 | 20 | 15 | 12 | " | 40 | 12 | 1 | [" in all remaining columns]
Novemr | Do Do | [" in all columns 'til molasses] | 64 | [" in all columns 'til potatoes] | 40 | [" in all columns 'til beans] 3 | " | "
C.E. [Leonard?] CapeB | [" in all columns 'til axes] | 20 | " | " | 40 | " | " | 10 | [" in all remaining columns]
Decr. | Peter Joseph & other
Indians Cumberland } | 2 ½ | [illegible]| [" in all columns 'til axes]| 6 | [" in all remaining columns]
Indians in the neighbourhood
of Halifax _ _ _ } | " | 12 | 15 | [" in all columns 'til flannel] | 3 | " | " | " 1 | "| " | 6 | 2 ½ |[" in all remaining columns]
Geo Smith, Pictou | " | 18 | | [" in all columns 'til flannel] | 12 | [" in all remaining columns]
1829_ | Wm Campbell Esqr | " | 6 | 2 | [" in all columns 'til flannel] | 10 | [" in all remaining columns]
Jno Heckman Esqr, Lun[enbur]g | " | 8 | [" in all remaining columns]
Father Geary, Chezzetcook | " | 6 | [" in all columns 'til axes] | 6 | [" in all remaining columns]

Total | 73 ¼ | 131 | 53 | 30 | 42 | 3 | 14 | 84 | 15 | 56 | 25 | 40 | 62 | 1 | 1 | 107 | 2 | 6 | 2 ½| 12 | 1 | 25 | 3 | 5 | Sundries

Mentions many names of recipients of sundries and types given, however none seem to be Mi'kmaq.

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 171

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