Nova Scotia Archives

Mi'kmaq Holdings Resource Guide

Very poor negative copy of a petition from Malti Groade [Gloade?] and Alexander Davis. Mentions burying place, Liverpool Lake and "further improvements."
view transcript 1


note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

162 a
To His Excellency Leiutenant [Lieutenant] General Sir
James Kempt, Knight [of - written above so insert here] Grand Cross of the
Most Honourable Military Order of the
[?Bath.] Leiutenant Governor and Commander
in Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia
and its Dependencies, and Commander of the Forces
in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island &c , &c, &c ---"---"

The Petition of [Moltie] Grode and Alexr. Davis,
Humbly [Sheweth]; That your Petitioners are Natives Indians
of the Province of Nova Scotia, and liege Subjects to His Majesty
George the Fourth, that they are Married Men and have
families. That they have nevor [never] received any Lands from Government
neither do they own any otherwise _ That there is a Tract of Land
Situate at the Mouth of the Liverpool Lake where your
Petitioners and their Predecessors have for many years ocupied [occupied]
and [cultivated], where they likewise have a burying place
for their Dead. Your Petitioners therefore pray His Excellency
will be pleased to Grant them an Order of Survey of Fifty
Acres each at the above described place. Whereon your Petitioners
intend to build Houses and make further improvements _
Your Petitioners further state that [there] is no person [located] [thereon] or has any claim [therewith], to the best of their knowledge __ And your Petitioners as in duty will pray ___

[Liverpool] January 29th. 1827

[Moltie] [Grode] X his mark
Alexr. Davis X his mark

Sworn to in all its particulars
before me.

Very difficult to read.

Retrieval no.: Commissioner of Public Records — Mi'kmaq and Government Relations series Nova Scotia Archives RG 1 volume 430 number 162a

Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2024, Province of Nova Scotia.