Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, John Easson, Annapolis Royal, to David Easson

Writing his 21-year-old son with fatherly advice and concerning business matters.  12 January 1769.  3 pages : 30 x 47 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/69

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

Mr Dear David
          Annapolis Royall Jany 12th 1769

          I have this Opportunity of Writting to You
By the way of Hallifax which I hope well Come
Saffe to hand and find You in Good helth, as I
Am at present, blessed be God for all his Merces
I long to here from You and I hope You are
at a Good Scolle [school] and that You Apply Your Self
to Lern [learn] with all proper Dilligance You Can which
will be Greatly to Your Advantages, there has been
no Vessell Leaves Since You been Gon [gone] nor do I
Expect any this winter So that I must make
Out as well as I Can. I hope Capt Prince has
taken some Care in Getting You a Good Scool [school].
Master and that You will behave YourSelf
as You Ought to do and keep from all maner [manner]
of bad Company which is the Ring leader of
all Evil and I hope You will allways remember
to keep holy the Sabbath Day for there is a Great
Blessing allways Attends them that keeps this –
The Sabbath never forget God and he will never
Forgett You and lett his fear be allways before
Your Eyes, that it May be well with You here
and hereafter
Mrs Cambell Came to live with Me three Days after
You went away. David Grant Died the Las [last] Day of
the Year. Charles Leblan [leBlanc] Came to Me and Dessired
Me to Lett Capt Prince know that he would Give
Him a place on his Lott to build a Store house
on and that they would all tread [trade] with him
I Shall not trouble You any more at present
          And Am Your Loving father till Death
          John Easson

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