Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, Joshua Mauger, Annapolis Royal, to Major Philipps

Regarding the loss of the sloop Wren and the appointment of arbitrators in Boston. Partial letter.  1 April 1754.  1 page : 30 x 37 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/24

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          Annapolis Royal 1st April 1754

          In Regard to the affair of Insurance of the Sloop
Wren it is well you intend with the Company to get the Necessary
Papers ready & send down here in order to be sent to Boston with
anyone by the first opportunity that offers, In regard to an Arbitration
Bond to be signed by your Company etc to me & another by me to them
I am willing to do it here or that you give Power by Letter to your
friend at Boston to do it in your behalf and my friends to do it in
mine, this I think will do equally as well yours & my Letters to them
will be sufficient to Enable them to proceed in that unlucky affair
for my Part if there was no other thing but my bare word I should
never go from it I have Ever lookt upon Bonds & Obligations
to be Necessary for binding Villains, and not at all Requisite amongst
men of Conscience or good Moralls as to the Number of Arbitrators to
be named it is Equall to me who they are, and how many, two on
Each side is surely enough and between them to chuse a fifth Person
I shall write to my friend at Boston concerning the whole affair &
Give him Directions accordingly, which shall go by the same Vessell
That Mr. Adlam sends yours by that no time may be lost on Either
Side. I am etc
[ torn ]           Joshua Mauger

          Jas. Philipps

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