Nova Scotia Archives

The Eassons and the Hoyts

Two Hundred Years of Family and Community Life in Nova Scotia

Letter, John Taylor, Digby, to John Easson

Informing him that he has left £10 for him in the hands of David Seabury.  4 October 1786.  2 pages : 30 x 39 cm.   Easson family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 vol. 3478 A/159

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

          Digby 4th Octr 1786
Dear Sir
          Agreeable to your
Request I have Left in the hands
of Mr David Seabury 10 pounds
Halifax Money which you may
Call at any time it is Ready
for you. I should have Called
the Next Morning after I See you
But the Sloop Come off at Day Light
the Morning, So that Wrote this
Crall to let you know the Reason
of my Not Calling.
          I am Dear Sir
          Yours to
          John Taylor

Mr John Easson

Nova Scotia Archives —

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