Diana Bustian died in her 15th year giving birth to twins; the father was George More, a naval officer and member of the Cape Breton Council. Diana had been brought by Cuyler, a prominent Loyalist from Albany, New York to Sydney in 1785. Cuyler, like More, was a member of the Council. Diana pleaded with George More and his brother for help, but they refused. Only one of Diana's twins survived.
Cape Breton was established as a separate colony, with its own governor and council, in 1784. Several hundred Loyalists settled there in 1784-5. Cape Breton remained separate from Nova Scotia until 1820.
Date: 15 September 1792
Reference: Nova Scotia Archives St. George's Anglican Church, Sydney: 1785-1827 page 39 (microfilm 11909x)
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/Africanns/archives/?ID=49
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