Nova Scotia Archives

African Nova Scotians in the Age of Slavery and Abolition

Burial record of Diana Bustian, slave of Adam Cuyler, Sydney

Diana Bustian died in her 15th year giving birth to twins; the father was George More, a naval officer and member of the Cape Breton Council. Diana had been brought by Cuyler, a prominent Loyalist from Albany, New York to Sydney in 1785. Cuyler, like More, was a member of the Council. Diana pleaded with George More and his brother for help, but they refused. Only one of Diana's twins survived.

Cape Breton was established as a separate colony, with its own governor and council, in 1784. Several hundred Loyalists settled there in 1784-5. Cape Breton remained separate from Nova Scotia until 1820.

Date: 15 September 1792

Reference: Nova Scotia Archives  St. George's Anglican Church, Sydney: 1785-1827 page 39 (microfilm 11909x)

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