Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1808  15 Feb  Shelburne  

883. [Draft of] letter from [?] to G. H. Monk, relative to Indians. Since 100 of the militia have gone to Halifax there has been great uneasiness "in the minds of many people here with respect to the Indians, and Numerous reports are in Circulation of the Hostile intentions & Demeanor of the Indians…there is a Number of them almost every Day Beging about yet I have not been able to procure the wished for person to reside with & watch their Motions, nor have I been able to make any Progress in procureg a list of them. I have conversed with some of them on the subject of an American War these seem to wish to be Nutral at least so they expressed themselves to me." He thinks Government should provide them with a few necessities. 

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 952 No. 883


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