Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1804  28 May  Halifax  

794. Chas. Hill to Gideon White, relative to filling the office of collector of impost and excise for Shelburne. ''As soon as I recd your letter mentioning the Death of poor Skinner I waited on the governor to revive the Claim of your friend Buskirk but he informed me that the Solicitor of the Treasury Board had wrote officialy to him stating that if any person in the colonies receivg half pay would accept of any place under Government their half pay would become immediatly forfeited - in which case he thought it would be injuring Mr. Buskirk & therefore had given that place to Mr. Hames - this may be all very true but I am inclined to think had the difficulty of the half pay been out of the question H-es would have got the place as I understand he has latly been recommended to Sir J - by some left handed connection in England.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 952 No. 794


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