Nova Scotia Archives

Gideon White Family Papers

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1804  20 Apr  Halifax  

790. S. S. Blowers, Chief Justice, to Gideon White, in receipt of letter. ''His Excellency is grieved that differences should prevail amongst you subversive of the general order and quiet of the County; and I wish most sincerely that an end could be put to them; and that each of you would strive to cultivate good humour and moderation in all publick business - So far as I have had opportunity to become acquainted with the sentiments of Mr. Hames, he discovers no disposition to live in contention with you or any others; but should he have concealed his bad temper from me and deserve the worst you may think of him; you have only to preserve moderation and integrity on your part to be effectually secured against any machinations whatever that ordinarily happen in society. Experience has convinced me that nothing short of a specific allegation of fault and proof of it, if denied, should ever be sustained to the injury of a publick officer.'' Holograph.

White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 952 No. 790


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