1799 10 Mar Halifax
630. Wm. Cottnam Tonge to Gideon White, in receipt of letter and reports. ''...it is grevious to see how much the trade of Shelburne has declined in consequence of this destructive war…'' He is selling part of his country estate and has undertaken the government contracts for supplying the troops with fuel and straw, and expects to live in Halifax until the end of the war. ''In making this arrangement however I do not by any means give up the Plaister of paris Business in which I was engaged last Summer I have a large Stock of the article of a most excellent Quality got out on the Banks of my Creek & have my Wharves & all the Conveniences in readiness for doing the Business with despatch....'' Prices of his various kinds of plaster. Greeting to his Shelburne friends. Holograph.
White Family Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 Vol. 950 No. 630
Nova Scotia Archives — https://archives.novascotia.ca/white/file-list/
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